Pyrocal’s Commitment to Sustainability

The foundations of Pyrocal’s business are built on the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. We strive to continually innovate and adapt to deliver genuine economic, environmental and social outcomes for our clients and communities. Read about our actions here.

What Matters to Us 

Waste Transformation 

Pyrocal is committed to delivering beneficial resource recovery from waste biomass and biosolids that are unsuitable for reuse or recycling. We transform this into biochar and energy, reducing landfill and creating a product with a broad range of applications and benefits. We subscribe to the principle of continually adapting to respond to the changing environment in which we operate.

Environmental Protection  

Environmentally responsible management of waste biomass through the life cycle drives our business. We aim to to exceed environmental standards to avoid adverse impacts to air, water, soil and health. We maintain a strong commitment to monitoring and reporting to demonstrate accountability and responsibility to environmental protection.

Health and Safety 

The health and safety of our team, our clients and our communities is paramount. Health and safety considerations commence at the design stage to achieve the highest standards through the manufacturing and operation of our systems. We work closely with our clients to ensure that they receive appropriate training and support to operate and maintain the system.

Circular Carbon Economy 

At the core of our business is the desire to build the capacity of businesses and industries to develop the circular carbon economy. Pyrocal is committed to continuing to invest in research and development to create economically and environmentally sound solutions for waste biomass, and to realise the benefits for clients and communities in both developed and developing countries.


We know that the challenges we face cannot be solved if we work alone. We are proactive in engaging with other businesses across a range of industries, government and the research sector to learn, share and influence. At no time in history has it been more important to shift our perspectives, to listen and to collaborate.